UPDATE: Alternative way to sync your Obsidian vault to an Android phone using Git: available here

Here’s the procedure to sync your Obsidian vault to an Android phone.

First, you’ll have to run these commands on your computer:

  1. Create a SSH key using ssh-keygen -f ~/obsidian-phone-key -t ed25519 -C "your_email@example.com"
  2. Add the public key (~/obsidian-phone-key.pub) to your GitHub account
  3. Connect your phone to your computer and allow the computer to access phone data
  4. Copy the private key (~/obsidian-phone-key) to your phone
  5. Also copy your Obsidian vault, including the .git folder

Now, on your phone:

  1. Install F-Droid
  2. Open F-Droid and install MGit
  3. From the settings page of MGit, import the SSH key
    1. SSH Keys
    2. Download button in the upper right corner
    3. Select obsidian-phone-key you copied from your computer
  4. Go back to the main menu of MGit, press the three dots in the upper right and press the Import Repository button
  5. Browse to the repository you copied from your computer
  6. You should now be able to pull from MGit
  7. You can now open Obsidian
    1. Open folder as vault
    2. Browse to the repository you copied from your computer
  8. Your Obsidian vault is now synced using Git!