A small collection of random quotes about research.

Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing.

– Wernher von Braun

If it works in theory, it also works in practice. In theory.

And some quotes from discussions with friends.

Research is like wandering through a maze in search of an knowledge. But you can’t see the walls, and you don’t know if you’re lost. So you just keep bumping into walls until you find the something.

– A friend of mine

Me: Let’s think outside of the box to solve this.

A friend: But there is no box to think outside of.

And a poem joke about this video Socialism Is When The Government Does Stuff

Science is when you know stuff.

And it’s more sciencey the more stuff you know.

And if you know a real lot of stuff, it’s a paper.

– A friend of mine